Hi – Michelle Divan here. I represent taxpayers in Denver, CO – and nationwide – who cannot pay their taxes or have back tax debt. So…you have back tax debt that hasn’t been paid. You are ready to deal with that now. Where do you start?
Your first inclination might be to get that old debt paid off first. WRONG! Your best bet is start with the most current tax debt. This will get you into a status called “Tax Compliant.” Why is this important? Well, if you cannot pay all of the tax debt in full, there are collections alternatives. However, you must be in current compliance to be eligible for any of these options.
These collections alternatives are options such as Installment Agreements, Offers-in-Compromise (OIC), or uncollectible status. And once you are in tax compliance, you can start exploring to see which of these options are best for you. If you or someone you know is in this predicament, let’s get it taken care of! You can reach me at 303-250-0122 or via email at [email protected]